Sunday, February 17, 2013


IEEE CEUs can be issued by Sections and other units for qualifying programs and events.  Details on the policy and how to proceed are available on the IEEE-eLearning WebSite.


Saturday, February 09, 2013

We're sorry - a limited e-mail was sent to all Region 3 Members

Today an error was made.  An e-mail constructed for some volunteers in Region 3 was mistakenly e-mailed to most of the Region 3 members.  I was the author of the e-mail and used a mechanism that had staff actually select the recipients and send out the e-mail.  A mistake was made and the desire to limit the e-mail to just Region 3 volunteers who were serving as treasurers was not implemented when the message was sent out.  The staff member was expediting the message for me so I contributed to the problem by pushing for speed of transmission.

The staff, I and the rest of the Region 3 Volunteers understand how valuable your time and e-mail inbox are and we strive to not misuse our communications path to you.  Today we goofed and we, as a team, apologize and will strive not to repeat the mistake.  The staff member, I and others are involved in a project to improve the automation of the tool to reduce the load on staff, improve the speed from composition to sending, and to reduce (somewhat) the potential for this type of error.

Again, apologies.

Dave Green
Region 3 Director 2012-3